Episode 12: Zireth’s true power
The sound of thunder boomed as Zireth’s fist met Rebuu’s. The two fought hand-to-hand, teleporting throughout the sky. Only the sound of their punches could be heard. Zireth’s hand came into contact with her clone’s face, as Rebuu did the same. The two were sent tumbling backwards. Zireth stopped and lunged forward toward Rebuu. She head butted him in the gut, and followed up with an elbow to the chin.
Rebuu cracked his neck to straighten his head, and then went on the attack. He smacked Zireth in the stomach and sent her flying into the air. He teleported behind her and karate chopped her in the back sending her flying back down. Rebuu teleported behind her again to send her back up into the air. After several minutes of battering her back and forth like a tennis ball, he sent her flying into a building then launched Burning-Masenko (combining Trunks’ and Gohan’s attacks) at her and the building crumbled to pieces.
“That was fun.” Said Rebuu “Now, who’s next?”
Suddenly, the rubble began to vibrate. There was a huge explosion and rubble was sent flying everywhere. Zireth immerged from the pile of glass and brick. She was glowing a deep red, her eyes had become dark green, and her muscles bulged from her half-torn shirt. She was angry. Zireth zoomed toward Rebuu so fast, Rebuu didn’t see her coming. She punched his gut so hard she broke a hole through him. She grabbed his antenna and ripped it off. She then stuffed it down his throat.
Of course, Rebuu just grew another one and fixed the hole. Zireth did not give up however. She grabbed his legs and pulled them apart until she had ripped Rebuu in half. Rebuu just formed a side for each and became two. The two Rebuu’s ganged up on Zireth. One smacked her in the face and sent her spiraling toward the other who punched her in the gut back to the first. The first sent her flying into the air. Then, both of them charged up a Blood Breaker (Rebuu’s special attack- it’s a huge red energy ball with black, razor sharp rings that slice the opponent before the blast makes impact.). The two blasts combined into to one Mega Blood Breaker. Zireth was too weak to dodge as the blast came closer. The outer rings began to slice through her cloths and into her flesh.
“Ha ha ha! So much for her!” said Rebuu as the blast began to make contact.
“NOOOO!!!” Screamed Goten as the blast was about to engulf his wife. He shot forward in front of the blast.
“Ooo, two for one!” Rebuu said gleefully.
Quickly, Goten kicked Zireth out of the way before the blast engulfed him. The rings shredded his flesh as the blast splashed across his chest. Zireth fell to the ground with Goten’s bloody body.
Goshen chose this moment to regain consciousness. He saw his mother and father lying on the ground limply. He wanted to do something but he couldn’t move. Then, he looked up. He saw his mother hovering over the bodies. This made Goshen very confused.
“Mother!” he called out weakly.
“Shut up kid!” Rebuu screamed as he shot a Zireth Beam (She’s the only one who could do it so she named it after herself. How corny!) at him.
It was deflected by Vegeta who stared angrily at Rebuu then at the bodies. “I never though I’d say this, but unless Kakarrot returns somehow, I think the Earth is doomed.”
Find out what happened to Goku (finally!), and see what happens to the other Saiyans on the next episode of Dragonball Omega!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Episode 11: Rebuu’s Rampage
“It’s finally over.” Vegeta thought.
Zireth, Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., and a weak Goshen came out of hiding. They all stared at Caboge in disbelief. Meanwhile, Goten was carrying Gohan to the nearest hospital to get his arm fixed.
Suddenly, they heard laughing. It seemed to be coming from nowhere. A voice spoke “Fools! I cannot be defeated! I’ve yet to show you my full power!”
Vegeta realized Rebuu’s head was gone and so was Caboge. “This isn’t good.” he thought to himself.
Caboge walked out of the park with Vegeta. “You did a great job back there.” Vegeta said.
“Yeah, well he wasn’t so tough.” Caboge replied with a scowl.
“For you maybe. We’re not all the sons of legendary Super Saiyans.”
Caboge grunted. It sounded a bit like a proud grunt. You never could tell with Caboge, he wasn’t much of a talker and he wasn’t usually in a good mood.
“In fact, let me tell you a little secret.” Vegeta said. Caboge moved closer.
“No, come closer. Put your ear right up to my mouth.” Caboge did so.
“I’m not really Vegeta.”
Before Caboge knew what was happening, Rebuu stretched his jaw to fit around Caboge’s head and dug his fangs into his skull. Caboge fell to the ground as Rebuu grew bulkier. To get rid of the body, Rebuu absorbed it. He began to change again. His muscles got even larger. His antenna grew longer still.
After fighting with Caboge for so long, he had no trouble shifting into him. Rebuu walked into the city. No one paid him any attention; he looked like a normal person. “Time for my favorite attack.” he said to himself.
He walked into a crowd of people and ascended into the sky. He heard people mutter “He can fly! He must be one of the earth’s guardians!”
Once he had everyone’s attention he asked the people “Do you like chocolate?”
It seemed to be unanimous. Everyone liked chocolate.
“Good.” Rebuu replied “’Cause you’ll have plenty of it!” Rebuu shot a series of blasts from his fingers and began to turn the citizens into chocolate. They began to run in panic.
“Time for some fun!” Rebuu thought. He proceeded to fly through the city turning people to chocolate, eating some; leaving others to melt a slow painful death. He also began to destroy. He blasted down buildings, set things ablaze, and slaughtered innocents.
Goten was about to turn the corner into the hospital when the hospital exploded. He and Gohan looked into the sky to see Caboge there destroying West City.
“What the hell are you doing!?” demanded Goten.
“Having some fun!” replied Rebuu.
“You call killing innocents fun? Since when do you even fight!?” yelled Gohan.
“Time changes a man, Gohan.” replied Rebuu; stealing Vegeta’s line.
Rebuu stretched his arm out and grabbed Gohan.
“You’re not Caboge!” Goten pointed out.
“Brilliant deduction, Sherlock.” Rebuu replied sarcastically.
Gohan was in too much pain and couldn’t fight back when Rebuu grabbed him. To make sure he couldn’t fight back, Rebuu broke his other arm in addition to his legs. Then, he absorbed him.
“You beast!” Goten shouted. He powered up as high as he could and attacked. Rebuu blocked his punches and kicked him into a building. Goten immerged with glass slivers in his back. He powered up a Kamehameha, but Rebuu teleported behind him and kneed him in the back nearly snapping his spine. He smashed Goten to the ground and he landed on a car.
Goten got back up and shot a couple of blasts toward Rebuu in quick succession. Rebuu blocked them and flew after Goten. Rebuu shot a Masenko at Goten, but Goten teleported behind Rebuu and grabbed his antenna. He swung Rebuu in circles and then tossed him into a building so hard that the building broke in half.
Vegeta saw the smoke rising in the distance and realized Rebuu was back. He grabbed the others and ran into the city.
“My God!” Vegeta said. The city lay in ruins.
He looked up and saw Goten fighting Caboge. “What are you two doing!?” he demanded.
“That’s not Caboge!” Goten replied.
“I am Caboge!” replied Rebuu “I’ll prove it!” Rebuu powered up and became an exact replica of SS Caboge.
“This isn’t funny Caboge!” said Zireth “Stop right now.”
“Or what? You’ll fight me? I’m so scared!” Rebuu replied sarcastically.
Rebuu flew toward Zireth. He fired some blasts which she dodged. Zireth teleported behind Rebuu and blasted him in the back. That caught Rebuu off guard. She powered up to Mystic Saiyan and unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast punches. She kicked Rebuu and sent him flying to the ground. She followed up with massive energy blast.
“That’s for hurting my boy!” she yelled.
Rebuu got back up beaten and mangled. “Seems I miscalculated. You’re a lot stronger than I thought. I’d love to see what you can do, but I’d rather try for myself.”
Rebuu transformed into an exact replica of Zireth. “Let’s go!” he boomed as he launched himself toward her.
For the first time, we see what Zireth can really do. But is it enough? What will Rebuu do with her power? If Caboge couldn’t beat Rebuu, can anybody? WHERE THE HELL IS GOKU!? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
“It’s finally over.” Vegeta thought.
Zireth, Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., and a weak Goshen came out of hiding. They all stared at Caboge in disbelief. Meanwhile, Goten was carrying Gohan to the nearest hospital to get his arm fixed.
Suddenly, they heard laughing. It seemed to be coming from nowhere. A voice spoke “Fools! I cannot be defeated! I’ve yet to show you my full power!”
Vegeta realized Rebuu’s head was gone and so was Caboge. “This isn’t good.” he thought to himself.
Caboge walked out of the park with Vegeta. “You did a great job back there.” Vegeta said.
“Yeah, well he wasn’t so tough.” Caboge replied with a scowl.
“For you maybe. We’re not all the sons of legendary Super Saiyans.”
Caboge grunted. It sounded a bit like a proud grunt. You never could tell with Caboge, he wasn’t much of a talker and he wasn’t usually in a good mood.
“In fact, let me tell you a little secret.” Vegeta said. Caboge moved closer.
“No, come closer. Put your ear right up to my mouth.” Caboge did so.
“I’m not really Vegeta.”
Before Caboge knew what was happening, Rebuu stretched his jaw to fit around Caboge’s head and dug his fangs into his skull. Caboge fell to the ground as Rebuu grew bulkier. To get rid of the body, Rebuu absorbed it. He began to change again. His muscles got even larger. His antenna grew longer still.
After fighting with Caboge for so long, he had no trouble shifting into him. Rebuu walked into the city. No one paid him any attention; he looked like a normal person. “Time for my favorite attack.” he said to himself.
He walked into a crowd of people and ascended into the sky. He heard people mutter “He can fly! He must be one of the earth’s guardians!”
Once he had everyone’s attention he asked the people “Do you like chocolate?”
It seemed to be unanimous. Everyone liked chocolate.
“Good.” Rebuu replied “’Cause you’ll have plenty of it!” Rebuu shot a series of blasts from his fingers and began to turn the citizens into chocolate. They began to run in panic.
“Time for some fun!” Rebuu thought. He proceeded to fly through the city turning people to chocolate, eating some; leaving others to melt a slow painful death. He also began to destroy. He blasted down buildings, set things ablaze, and slaughtered innocents.
Goten was about to turn the corner into the hospital when the hospital exploded. He and Gohan looked into the sky to see Caboge there destroying West City.
“What the hell are you doing!?” demanded Goten.
“Having some fun!” replied Rebuu.
“You call killing innocents fun? Since when do you even fight!?” yelled Gohan.
“Time changes a man, Gohan.” replied Rebuu; stealing Vegeta’s line.
Rebuu stretched his arm out and grabbed Gohan.
“You’re not Caboge!” Goten pointed out.
“Brilliant deduction, Sherlock.” Rebuu replied sarcastically.
Gohan was in too much pain and couldn’t fight back when Rebuu grabbed him. To make sure he couldn’t fight back, Rebuu broke his other arm in addition to his legs. Then, he absorbed him.
“You beast!” Goten shouted. He powered up as high as he could and attacked. Rebuu blocked his punches and kicked him into a building. Goten immerged with glass slivers in his back. He powered up a Kamehameha, but Rebuu teleported behind him and kneed him in the back nearly snapping his spine. He smashed Goten to the ground and he landed on a car.
Goten got back up and shot a couple of blasts toward Rebuu in quick succession. Rebuu blocked them and flew after Goten. Rebuu shot a Masenko at Goten, but Goten teleported behind Rebuu and grabbed his antenna. He swung Rebuu in circles and then tossed him into a building so hard that the building broke in half.
Vegeta saw the smoke rising in the distance and realized Rebuu was back. He grabbed the others and ran into the city.
“My God!” Vegeta said. The city lay in ruins.
He looked up and saw Goten fighting Caboge. “What are you two doing!?” he demanded.
“That’s not Caboge!” Goten replied.
“I am Caboge!” replied Rebuu “I’ll prove it!” Rebuu powered up and became an exact replica of SS Caboge.
“This isn’t funny Caboge!” said Zireth “Stop right now.”
“Or what? You’ll fight me? I’m so scared!” Rebuu replied sarcastically.
Rebuu flew toward Zireth. He fired some blasts which she dodged. Zireth teleported behind Rebuu and blasted him in the back. That caught Rebuu off guard. She powered up to Mystic Saiyan and unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast punches. She kicked Rebuu and sent him flying to the ground. She followed up with massive energy blast.
“That’s for hurting my boy!” she yelled.
Rebuu got back up beaten and mangled. “Seems I miscalculated. You’re a lot stronger than I thought. I’d love to see what you can do, but I’d rather try for myself.”
Rebuu transformed into an exact replica of Zireth. “Let’s go!” he boomed as he launched himself toward her.
For the first time, we see what Zireth can really do. But is it enough? What will Rebuu do with her power? If Caboge couldn’t beat Rebuu, can anybody? WHERE THE HELL IS GOKU!? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!

Episode 10: Caboge’s Stand
“I know you’re not really trying.” Rebuu rushed at Vegeta while he was stumbling up and punched him in his gut. Vegeta spit blood. To follow up, Rebuu kicked Vegeta while he was in the air and sent him spiraling across the air to land on his face in the dirt.
Realizing he couldn’t win alone, he weakly turned to the remaining fighters. The only ones left that could fight were Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., Caboge, and Zireth.
“Don’t just stand there! Help me!” he said angrily.
Goku and Vegeta Jr. were cowering in fear with Zireth while Caboge was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.
Vegeta looked at him and shouted “Why don’t you help me!?”
Caboge looked over and replied “I don’t fight.”
While the two were talking, Rebuu planned his next attack. He pulled off his right hand and grew another as the first took the shape of a sword. Not just any sword; Trunks’ sword. He lunged at Vegeta. Rebuu’s sword sliced off a portion of Vegeta’s shirt before he dodged. Rebuu swung the sword furiously at Vegeta who was trying his best to block the attacks.
Rebuu put all his strength into one slice. It was about to come down on Vegeta’s head but Vegeta blocked it. He gripped the sword on its side with both palms and pushed as hard as he could.
Seeing his grandpa struggle, Vegeta Jr. slipped out of Zireth’s grip and went running to help his grandfather. He went Super Saiyan and jumped for Rebuu’s head. Rebuu lowered his sword, kicked Vegeta Jr. in the gut, sent him flying, and returned to attacking Vegeta with his sword.
Vegeta could barely stand up. He was struggling just to avoid Rebuu’s blows. “Caboge! Help me!” he yelled. Caboge didn’t budge.
“What’s the matter?” mocked Rebuu “Still thinking about your stupid father? You’re not any stronger then that weakling! He couldn’t even prevent being taken over!”
Caboge’s eyes grew big. “Never talk about my father!!!!” His hair turned deep gold, his muscles bulged out of his shirt, and his eyes became pure white. Green lightning surrounded his yellow aura and the ground around him had been torn apart. Little stones levitated around his feet.
Before Rebuu knew what was happening, Caboge’s fist made contact with Rebuu’s face. Caboge moved with such speed that he could not be sensed. He unleashed a flurry of punches so fast they weren’t even visible. All you could see were the dents in Rebuu’s body. Caboge kicked Rebuu and sent him flying into the air, teleported behind him and smashed him to the ground again. Once Rebuu was down he shot a volley of blasts at Rebuu followed by a massive energy ball. When the smoke cleared, Caboge flew straight at Rebuu while he was laying face down and hit his back so hard he would have snapped his spine (if Rebuu had one). The punch was hard enough to break a hole through him.
Rebuu finally got up, reshaped himself and lunged at Caboge. He punched him, kicked him, shot energy blasts at him from close range, yet he was left unscathed. He didn’t even have a scratch. He truly was the son of the legendary Super Saiyan. It was like fighting Broly himself. Except this time he was on the good side.
Caboge inched closer to Rebuu, who was trying to hold him off. He kept shooting his most powerful blasts, but they splashed off Caboge’s chest and he kept coming. Without warning, he shot forward. He was so fast you’d miss it if you blinked. He grabbed Rebuu by the throat lifted him off the ground, and ripped his head off. Caboge threw Rebuu’s head on the ground and stomped on it. He beat on the body until it stopped moving. He kicked it into the distance, then powered down.
“NEVER speak crap about my father!” he said as he spit on Rebuu’s mangled head. Slowly he walked back to his tree, leaned on it, and crossed his arms.
Has Rebuu finally been defeated by the mighty Caboge? Will we ever find out what happened to Goku? Will I ever stop asking that? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Episode 9: Vegeta's Attack
“You’ll find out in due time. That is, if I don’t kill you first. Now shut up and fight!” Rebuu screamed as he dashed towards Vegeta. Vegeta was tried and in pain. His face still burned. It was starting to blister. Nevertheless, he fought on.
The two charged at each other and punched each other in the face. Vegeta stumbled back howling in pain. Rebuu was about to finish him off when Gohan charged at him. He couldn’t take it any more, he had to help. He didn’t get very far, however, because Rebuu sensed him coming. He quickly turned, grabbed Gohan’s arm with his hands, and snapped it over his knee. Gohan fell to the floor in extreme pain. The bone was protruding from his arm.
Seeing this Vegeta yelled out “This is my battle Gohan! Stay out of it!” Then he turned to Rebuu “While I think he got what he deserved, I’ve never faced a villain as merciless as you. I’ll destroy you if it kills me!”
“Believe me, it will.” Rebuu replied.
The fight raged on as Vegeta sprinted at Rebuu. Vegeta was about kick Rebuu, but he dodged by jumping in the air. Vegeta then slid under his legs and grabbed his foot. He flung Rebuu through the air and threw him into a statue in the park. The statue shattered into tiny pieces. Rebuu immerged with small stones stuck to his body. Before he had a chance to regenerate, Vegeta unleashed a Final Flash at him.
Meanwhile, Goten ran weakly to his brother’s side(still weak from having his energy drained). “Are you alright?” he asked.
“I’ll be fine.” Gohan replied.
“Run!” screamed Vegeta “Run as far as you can and get Gohan help! I’ll hold him off!”
Goten grabbed Gohan and took off for town. As he was flying off, Zireth notice and inquired as to what had happened. Goten explained, then added “Stay here and hide out. Mask your power level and take Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. with you.”
Rebuu and Vegeta were in the middle of exchanging a series of fierce punches when Rebuu noticed them leave. “No you don’t! I need you all in one place!” he retorted. Rebuu shot at Goten and eventually shot him out of the sky.
He then turned his attention to Zireth who was running with the children. He went in for the kill just as she stopped to pick up the limp Goshen. They were cornered at a huge tree.
“This is it!” they all thought.
Rebuu started to charge up a huge spirit bomb esque energy ball (obviously not a spirit bomb but similar and pink). Once it had gotten large enough the let it loose. Zireth and the kids tried to run but there was no place to go. The ball engulfed them…or so they thought. Zireth looked up to see Vegeta standing there holding off the blast. “Go!” he screamed.
Vegeta was trying to hold off a massive energy ball while Rebuu just kept feeding power into it, making it larger. Vegeta thought of giving up. He thought about how much easier it would be to die. Then he heard the panicked voices of his friends and family behind him screaming in terror. He thought of the children and of Trunks.
Suddenly Vegeta let out a loud scream. His muscles bulked up to twice their size. He glowed almost blindingly bright. Electric bolts surrounded his body. He pushed back harder on the energy ball. His feet dug deep into the dirt. He focused all his strength in the palms of his hands. He pushed and pushed, yet Rebuu kept feeding the blast, making it bigger.
Finally, with one mighty surge of power Vegeta let off a wave of energy that flattened the trees around him. His hair became longer. He forced all of his energy into one mighty pulse of energy. Rebuu struggled to hold the blast off, but failed. Vegeta, in mid transformation between SS2 and SS3, reflected the blast back at Rebuu and blasted him into pieces.
Unfortunately, Vegeta didn’t quite make it to SS3. He collapsed on his knees gasping for breath. “I did it.” he though. But that wasn’t quite true. Little globs of goo scattered throughout the park began to come together. Before Vegeta’s eyes, Rebuu formed again.
“Nice try,” he smirked “you almost had me there.”
“No! It can’t be!” Vegeta exclaimed.
Not only is Rebuu strong, but he’s stronger than anyone realized! What will become of Gohan and Goten who were attacked by Rebuu? What will happen to everyone else? Can Rebuu be stopped? Where’s Goku!? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Omega!
“You’ll find out in due time. That is, if I don’t kill you first. Now shut up and fight!” Rebuu screamed as he dashed towards Vegeta. Vegeta was tried and in pain. His face still burned. It was starting to blister. Nevertheless, he fought on.
The two charged at each other and punched each other in the face. Vegeta stumbled back howling in pain. Rebuu was about to finish him off when Gohan charged at him. He couldn’t take it any more, he had to help. He didn’t get very far, however, because Rebuu sensed him coming. He quickly turned, grabbed Gohan’s arm with his hands, and snapped it over his knee. Gohan fell to the floor in extreme pain. The bone was protruding from his arm.
Seeing this Vegeta yelled out “This is my battle Gohan! Stay out of it!” Then he turned to Rebuu “While I think he got what he deserved, I’ve never faced a villain as merciless as you. I’ll destroy you if it kills me!”
“Believe me, it will.” Rebuu replied.
The fight raged on as Vegeta sprinted at Rebuu. Vegeta was about kick Rebuu, but he dodged by jumping in the air. Vegeta then slid under his legs and grabbed his foot. He flung Rebuu through the air and threw him into a statue in the park. The statue shattered into tiny pieces. Rebuu immerged with small stones stuck to his body. Before he had a chance to regenerate, Vegeta unleashed a Final Flash at him.
Meanwhile, Goten ran weakly to his brother’s side(still weak from having his energy drained). “Are you alright?” he asked.
“I’ll be fine.” Gohan replied.
“Run!” screamed Vegeta “Run as far as you can and get Gohan help! I’ll hold him off!”
Goten grabbed Gohan and took off for town. As he was flying off, Zireth notice and inquired as to what had happened. Goten explained, then added “Stay here and hide out. Mask your power level and take Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. with you.”
Rebuu and Vegeta were in the middle of exchanging a series of fierce punches when Rebuu noticed them leave. “No you don’t! I need you all in one place!” he retorted. Rebuu shot at Goten and eventually shot him out of the sky.
He then turned his attention to Zireth who was running with the children. He went in for the kill just as she stopped to pick up the limp Goshen. They were cornered at a huge tree.
“This is it!” they all thought.
Rebuu started to charge up a huge spirit bomb esque energy ball (obviously not a spirit bomb but similar and pink). Once it had gotten large enough the let it loose. Zireth and the kids tried to run but there was no place to go. The ball engulfed them…or so they thought. Zireth looked up to see Vegeta standing there holding off the blast. “Go!” he screamed.
Vegeta was trying to hold off a massive energy ball while Rebuu just kept feeding power into it, making it larger. Vegeta thought of giving up. He thought about how much easier it would be to die. Then he heard the panicked voices of his friends and family behind him screaming in terror. He thought of the children and of Trunks.
Suddenly Vegeta let out a loud scream. His muscles bulked up to twice their size. He glowed almost blindingly bright. Electric bolts surrounded his body. He pushed back harder on the energy ball. His feet dug deep into the dirt. He focused all his strength in the palms of his hands. He pushed and pushed, yet Rebuu kept feeding the blast, making it bigger.
Finally, with one mighty surge of power Vegeta let off a wave of energy that flattened the trees around him. His hair became longer. He forced all of his energy into one mighty pulse of energy. Rebuu struggled to hold the blast off, but failed. Vegeta, in mid transformation between SS2 and SS3, reflected the blast back at Rebuu and blasted him into pieces.
Unfortunately, Vegeta didn’t quite make it to SS3. He collapsed on his knees gasping for breath. “I did it.” he though. But that wasn’t quite true. Little globs of goo scattered throughout the park began to come together. Before Vegeta’s eyes, Rebuu formed again.
“Nice try,” he smirked “you almost had me there.”
“No! It can’t be!” Vegeta exclaimed.
Not only is Rebuu strong, but he’s stronger than anyone realized! What will become of Gohan and Goten who were attacked by Rebuu? What will happen to everyone else? Can Rebuu be stopped? Where’s Goku!? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Omega!
Monday, November 07, 2005
It's been a while (exactly a month). Sorry, life's been crazy! Anyway, episode 8 is finally here! It's a good one, full of action! Without further introduction, here it is:
*EDIT!* Okay, for some reason, the Blogger replaced all my punctuation symbols (apostrophes and quotations) with squares and weird 'A' symbols. When you come to them try to ignore it. If it's confusing, sorry, it wasn't my fault.
Episode 8: Rebuu Rages On
The rain started to come down harder. Rebuu stood there with a look of rage on his face. He set his sights on Vegeta. Vegeta, having seen what Rebuu did to Goshen, was in a state of panic. He quickly powered up as high as he could go and made a run for it. Rebuu wasnÃ’t stupid though, he chased after him. They came to a thicket of trees. Vegeta tried to hide, but Rebuu started blasting down the trees one by one.
Suddenly, the blasts stopped. Vegeta took this opportunity to duck behind a tree. Thinking he was safe, he dropped his guard. Just as he did so, the tree behind him began to stir. It grew hands which gripped VegetaÃ’s neck. Rebuu strangled Vegeta until he dropped back to normal and was unconscious. He was about to stick his fingers into VegetaÃ’s flesh, when Trunks came at him from behind.
With one slice, Trunks took off RebuuÃ’s head. Rebuu reattached it and blew steam out of his pores in anger. He unleashed a fury of punches at Trunks. Trunks blocked the blows with his sword, but was not prepared when he got kneed in the stomach. He spit blood all over RebuuÃ’s hands. Rebuu responded by licking it off.
This time Trunks attacked with his fists. He let out some lightning fast punches followed by a Burning Attack. When the smoke cleared, Rebuu was nowhere to be found. Trunks ascended into the air to look for him when he reappeared behind Trunks. He was about to knock Trunks out of the air, but Trunks was too quick. He grabbed RebuuÃ’s fist and sliced it off with his sword.
Rebuu smiled (or tried to). Suddenly, the hand Trunks was holding expanded like silly puddy. It engulfed him. He struggled, but the rubber constricted more. He was then absorbed into Rebuu. Rebuu began to change. He grew a bottom jaw with long fangs that protruded from his mouth and his antenna expanded. He bulked up and was wearing a shirt. ÓHow much more of this slime must I go through!?Ô he muttered to himself.
Vegeta began to regain consciousness. He found Goten and Gohan standing over him. ÓWhat happened?Ô he asked.
ÓItÒs Rebuu,Ô replied Gohan Óhe would have sucked you dry if it wasnÒt for Trunks.Ô
ÓWhat happened to him?Ô Vegeta protested.
ÓGone.Ô replied Goten ÓAbsorbed by Rebuu.Ô
ÓWhat?! That monster can absorb too!Ô Vegeta screamed ÓI will avenge Trunks.Ô
Vegeta flew into the sky like a madman. He powered to max strength. ÓRebuu!Ô he boomed ÓYou can take me, but donÒt mess with my family!Ô
ÓSince when is Vegeta such a caring family man?Ô asked Goten.
Hearing this Vegeta replied ÓTime changes a person, Goten. There are a lot of things you donÒt know about me.Ô
ÓOh, come on!Ô said Rebuu ÓSpare me the sentimental speech. Besides, if your son couldnÒt defeat me what makes you think you can? Give up, you canÒt win. IÒm even more powerful now!Ô
ÓWeÒll see!Ô Vegeta screamed as he flew at Rebuu.
Rebuu flew at Vegeta as well. Their fists met as the sound of thunder crashed in dark sky. Vegeta disappeared and reappeared behind Rebuu, but Rebuu dodged and kicked Vegeta in the face. Vegeta flew back, but stopped in mid fall. He unleashed a volley of energy blasts that splashed off RebuuÃ’s skin. Rebuu flew towards him and Vegeta smashed Rebuu over the head and sent him flying into the trees.
Vegeta blasted him with a Super Galic Gun while he was down. Rebuu immerged from a smoking crater deformed. He quickly reshaped himself and flew back at Vegeta. Vegeta shot some blasts at him, but he disappeared and teleported directly in front of Vegeta. Before Vegeta could react, Rebuu unleashed a Burning Attack at point plank range directly into VegetaÃ’s face.
Vegeta was sent hurling to the ground with his face on fire. He landed hard in a lake. Rebuu descended back to the ground. Vegeta immerged from the water with a mighty blast of power that sent water spewing everywhere. His face still stung.
ÓCome now,Ô said Rebuu Óis that the best the prince of the Saiyans can do?Ô
ÓWhat!?Ô Vegeta exclaimed as he lowered to the ground. ÓHow did youÅÔ
ÓI know a lot more than you think.Ô Rebuu said with a laugh as a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.
Can RebuuÃ’s reign of terror ever be stopped? And how exactly does Rebuu know so much? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
*EDIT!* Okay, for some reason, the Blogger replaced all my punctuation symbols (apostrophes and quotations) with squares and weird 'A' symbols. When you come to them try to ignore it. If it's confusing, sorry, it wasn't my fault.
Episode 8: Rebuu Rages On
The rain started to come down harder. Rebuu stood there with a look of rage on his face. He set his sights on Vegeta. Vegeta, having seen what Rebuu did to Goshen, was in a state of panic. He quickly powered up as high as he could go and made a run for it. Rebuu wasnÃ’t stupid though, he chased after him. They came to a thicket of trees. Vegeta tried to hide, but Rebuu started blasting down the trees one by one.
Suddenly, the blasts stopped. Vegeta took this opportunity to duck behind a tree. Thinking he was safe, he dropped his guard. Just as he did so, the tree behind him began to stir. It grew hands which gripped VegetaÃ’s neck. Rebuu strangled Vegeta until he dropped back to normal and was unconscious. He was about to stick his fingers into VegetaÃ’s flesh, when Trunks came at him from behind.
With one slice, Trunks took off RebuuÃ’s head. Rebuu reattached it and blew steam out of his pores in anger. He unleashed a fury of punches at Trunks. Trunks blocked the blows with his sword, but was not prepared when he got kneed in the stomach. He spit blood all over RebuuÃ’s hands. Rebuu responded by licking it off.
This time Trunks attacked with his fists. He let out some lightning fast punches followed by a Burning Attack. When the smoke cleared, Rebuu was nowhere to be found. Trunks ascended into the air to look for him when he reappeared behind Trunks. He was about to knock Trunks out of the air, but Trunks was too quick. He grabbed RebuuÃ’s fist and sliced it off with his sword.
Rebuu smiled (or tried to). Suddenly, the hand Trunks was holding expanded like silly puddy. It engulfed him. He struggled, but the rubber constricted more. He was then absorbed into Rebuu. Rebuu began to change. He grew a bottom jaw with long fangs that protruded from his mouth and his antenna expanded. He bulked up and was wearing a shirt. ÓHow much more of this slime must I go through!?Ô he muttered to himself.
Vegeta began to regain consciousness. He found Goten and Gohan standing over him. ÓWhat happened?Ô he asked.
ÓItÒs Rebuu,Ô replied Gohan Óhe would have sucked you dry if it wasnÒt for Trunks.Ô
ÓWhat happened to him?Ô Vegeta protested.
ÓGone.Ô replied Goten ÓAbsorbed by Rebuu.Ô
ÓWhat?! That monster can absorb too!Ô Vegeta screamed ÓI will avenge Trunks.Ô
Vegeta flew into the sky like a madman. He powered to max strength. ÓRebuu!Ô he boomed ÓYou can take me, but donÒt mess with my family!Ô
ÓSince when is Vegeta such a caring family man?Ô asked Goten.
Hearing this Vegeta replied ÓTime changes a person, Goten. There are a lot of things you donÒt know about me.Ô
ÓOh, come on!Ô said Rebuu ÓSpare me the sentimental speech. Besides, if your son couldnÒt defeat me what makes you think you can? Give up, you canÒt win. IÒm even more powerful now!Ô
ÓWeÒll see!Ô Vegeta screamed as he flew at Rebuu.
Rebuu flew at Vegeta as well. Their fists met as the sound of thunder crashed in dark sky. Vegeta disappeared and reappeared behind Rebuu, but Rebuu dodged and kicked Vegeta in the face. Vegeta flew back, but stopped in mid fall. He unleashed a volley of energy blasts that splashed off RebuuÃ’s skin. Rebuu flew towards him and Vegeta smashed Rebuu over the head and sent him flying into the trees.
Vegeta blasted him with a Super Galic Gun while he was down. Rebuu immerged from a smoking crater deformed. He quickly reshaped himself and flew back at Vegeta. Vegeta shot some blasts at him, but he disappeared and teleported directly in front of Vegeta. Before Vegeta could react, Rebuu unleashed a Burning Attack at point plank range directly into VegetaÃ’s face.
Vegeta was sent hurling to the ground with his face on fire. He landed hard in a lake. Rebuu descended back to the ground. Vegeta immerged from the water with a mighty blast of power that sent water spewing everywhere. His face still stung.
ÓCome now,Ô said Rebuu Óis that the best the prince of the Saiyans can do?Ô
ÓWhat!?Ô Vegeta exclaimed as he lowered to the ground. ÓHow did youÅÔ
ÓI know a lot more than you think.Ô Rebuu said with a laugh as a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.
Can RebuuÃ’s reign of terror ever be stopped? And how exactly does Rebuu know so much? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Friday, October 07, 2005
It's been awhile! Sorry, I've been busy. I'm sure you're all anxious to see what happened to Rebuu and all that, so here you are: Episode 6!
Episode 7: Goshen’s Attack
Last time: Rebuu had just immerged from within Babidi’s fake Dragonballs. Upon immerging, he instantly struck and killed Goku with a blast to the heart.
Rebuu’s last attack was strong enough to kill Goku with one hit. However, this attack drained most of Rebuu’s energy (which was low to begin with because he had just immerged). Seeing this, Goshen, not thinking, powered up to SS3 and was on the attack.
He first unleashed a barrage of energy blasts that left Rebuu severely deformed. Before the smoke could clear, Goshen was in Rebuu’s face. He beat on him until Rebuu resembled a pile of gush. Goshen stood back to admire his work.
“How do you like that, you freak!?” Goshen yelled at Rebuu. At this point Rebuu started to take back his normal shape.
Rebuu was not the brightest of villains, but he was a quick learner. In fact that was one of his special abilities: he could imitate anything exactly just by watching. Little did Goshen know that Rebuu had let Goshen beat him up. Rebuu was observing Goshen carefully while he waited to build up energy.
Rebuu had finally reformed completely and was now semi-powered up. He was not about to let some little punk kid beat him anymore. Rebuu stretched out one of his arms at the oncoming Goshen. Goshen stopped mid flight when Rebuu’s hand was right in front of his face. Rebuu unleashed a pink energy blast at point blank range into Goshen’s face. Goshen was sent flying into a tree with his hair ablaze.
Seeing this, Gohan sprang forward to attack Rebuu. In an instant, Rebuu was behind Goten. He grabbed Goten under the arms to keep him from moving. Then Rebuu lowered his mouth over Goten’s head and sunk his teeth deep into Goten’s scalp, puncturing the skull. He began to suck like a leach. The more he sucked the buffer he would become. He kept sucking until Goten turned pale and limp, and then dropped him on the floor in a heap. Goshen saw this and became mad with rage.
He stormed toward Rebuu (hair charred) and was about to unleash a destructive blast when Rebuu began to change. Rebuu began to bend and stretch like taffy until he was an exact replica of SS3 Goshen. Stunned, Goshen froze. Rebuu, however, wasted no time waiting and unleashed a flurry of beams from his finger tips. Goshen tries to dodge, but there were so many that he was struck and his shirt caught fire.
Goshen dropped to the ground and rolled around to put out the flames. He got back up and tried again. This time Goshen tried a kamehameha, but Rebuu countered with a stronger one. Goshen tried his signature blast (the spirit blade- multiple round, ridged, blades [similar to destructo disk]), but Rebuu countered with a stronger version.
The two decided to go hand-to-hand. Rebuu struck twice as fast and always blocked Goshen. It was like Rebuu knew every move Goshen would make before he made it.
Now that Rebuu had a bottom jaw, he could speak. He spoke in Goshen’s exact voice, “Give it up! I know every trick you have and then some! You can’t defeat me!” As he said that he stretched his arm (he still has Rebuu’s powers in case you’ve forgotten) and grabbed Goshen by the shoulders. Suddenly, his fingers started to puncture through Goshen’s flesh. Goshen began to scream, but became too weak to fight back. He was having his energy drained out of his body.
Rebuu let go and Goshen dropped to the ground. Rebuu looked over at the rest of the fighters, and right before he turned back to normal he said ominously “Who’s next?”
As time goes on, Rebuu appears to become stronger and stronger! Is there anyone who can defeat him? What other tricks does he have up his sleeve? And what ever happened to Goku? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Episode 7: Goshen’s Attack
Last time: Rebuu had just immerged from within Babidi’s fake Dragonballs. Upon immerging, he instantly struck and killed Goku with a blast to the heart.
Rebuu’s last attack was strong enough to kill Goku with one hit. However, this attack drained most of Rebuu’s energy (which was low to begin with because he had just immerged). Seeing this, Goshen, not thinking, powered up to SS3 and was on the attack.
He first unleashed a barrage of energy blasts that left Rebuu severely deformed. Before the smoke could clear, Goshen was in Rebuu’s face. He beat on him until Rebuu resembled a pile of gush. Goshen stood back to admire his work.
“How do you like that, you freak!?” Goshen yelled at Rebuu. At this point Rebuu started to take back his normal shape.
Rebuu was not the brightest of villains, but he was a quick learner. In fact that was one of his special abilities: he could imitate anything exactly just by watching. Little did Goshen know that Rebuu had let Goshen beat him up. Rebuu was observing Goshen carefully while he waited to build up energy.
Rebuu had finally reformed completely and was now semi-powered up. He was not about to let some little punk kid beat him anymore. Rebuu stretched out one of his arms at the oncoming Goshen. Goshen stopped mid flight when Rebuu’s hand was right in front of his face. Rebuu unleashed a pink energy blast at point blank range into Goshen’s face. Goshen was sent flying into a tree with his hair ablaze.
Seeing this, Gohan sprang forward to attack Rebuu. In an instant, Rebuu was behind Goten. He grabbed Goten under the arms to keep him from moving. Then Rebuu lowered his mouth over Goten’s head and sunk his teeth deep into Goten’s scalp, puncturing the skull. He began to suck like a leach. The more he sucked the buffer he would become. He kept sucking until Goten turned pale and limp, and then dropped him on the floor in a heap. Goshen saw this and became mad with rage.
He stormed toward Rebuu (hair charred) and was about to unleash a destructive blast when Rebuu began to change. Rebuu began to bend and stretch like taffy until he was an exact replica of SS3 Goshen. Stunned, Goshen froze. Rebuu, however, wasted no time waiting and unleashed a flurry of beams from his finger tips. Goshen tries to dodge, but there were so many that he was struck and his shirt caught fire.
Goshen dropped to the ground and rolled around to put out the flames. He got back up and tried again. This time Goshen tried a kamehameha, but Rebuu countered with a stronger one. Goshen tried his signature blast (the spirit blade- multiple round, ridged, blades [similar to destructo disk]), but Rebuu countered with a stronger version.
The two decided to go hand-to-hand. Rebuu struck twice as fast and always blocked Goshen. It was like Rebuu knew every move Goshen would make before he made it.
Now that Rebuu had a bottom jaw, he could speak. He spoke in Goshen’s exact voice, “Give it up! I know every trick you have and then some! You can’t defeat me!” As he said that he stretched his arm (he still has Rebuu’s powers in case you’ve forgotten) and grabbed Goshen by the shoulders. Suddenly, his fingers started to puncture through Goshen’s flesh. Goshen began to scream, but became too weak to fight back. He was having his energy drained out of his body.
Rebuu let go and Goshen dropped to the ground. Rebuu looked over at the rest of the fighters, and right before he turned back to normal he said ominously “Who’s next?”
As time goes on, Rebuu appears to become stronger and stronger! Is there anyone who can defeat him? What other tricks does he have up his sleeve? And what ever happened to Goku? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Rebuu Saga- EPISODE 6
Episode 6: The Birth of Rebuu
We begin the story deep in HFIL. We turn to Dark Man’s Pub to where all of the universe’s greatest threats are intently watching a TV screen, waiting to here from Babidi.
They watched intently as Babidi was ripped to shreds after being turned to stone.
“I told you he’d never do it!” Gero said “We’ll never se him again!”
Just as he said this Babidi burst through the door. Everyone turned to stare at him.
“Don’t say anything,” he insisted “I’m not done yet!”
“Give it up Babidi,” said Gero “you’ve already lost! Now get out!”
“Not so!” Babidi replied “Look.”
They stared at the TV screen and watched it all unfold.
Back on Earth, the Z Warriors were considering what to do next.
“I know,” said Goku “we can wish Buu… Oh, the Dragonballs are gone.” He looked glumly up at the sky.
Just then, Goshen caught something out of the corner of his eye. He saw something gleaming in the bushes and walked over to them. He was amazed! Were these the Dragonballs he had heard so many legends about? He scooped them up and carried them over to Goku. “Grandpa Goku,” he asked “are these the Dragonball?”
Goku swooped them up and studied them. “They sure look like the real things.” He concluded. “Maybe they’re a gift from the Dragon.”
“I don’t see how giving them the Dragonballs has helped your situation.” said Frieza to Babidi.
Babidi stared at him “Sometimes you can be so stupid! Watch and learn.”
Goku place the Dragonballs in a heap on the ground and stood back. “Rise Eternal Dragon, rise!” he chanted.
The sky turned black. It began to storm. Thunder boomed in the distance as lightning lit the sky. But the balls did something they never did before, it was actually raining.
All of a sudden there was a loud noise as the balls shattered and shards flew everywhere. A thick black smoke started to rise from the spot where the balls were. It was clear there was some evil at work here.
The smoke began to take shape. It slowly formed into a figure with dull pink coloring. It vaguely resembled Buu.
The “thing” took everyone by surprise. Goku stumbled back. The figure looked at him. A puddle of drool was forming by his feet as he had no bottom jaw. He said as best he could (without half a jaw) “Are you Goku?” Of course it came out more like “Aw Yooh Gahku?”
In any case, Goku understood and replied “What if I am?”
The thing just looked at him and said “Then you die.” In the period of about half a second, the thing raised his arm, pointed at Goku, and shot a small beam from his finger that went right through Goku’s skull, killing him instantly.
Goku lay there in a puddle of blood as the rest of the team stared in awe.
“Well boys, looks like I win.” Babidi concluded after watching the event unfold.
“Impossible!” said Gero “How? What about the rest of them”
“I wouldn’t worry about them.” Babidi replied “If Rebuu could kill Goku in the matter of half a second, they don’t stand a chance.”
“Rebuu? Is that what you call it?” asked Cell.
“Yes.” replied Babidi “I took Buu’s basic DNA, enhanced it, and made it flawless. In fact, he’s not even at one tenth of his power right now.” He looked over at Dr. Gero, “Now, I believe there’s the matter of my prize.”
It turns out Babidi won the bet against Gero. Now he has control of all the androids. What will he do with them? What is Rebuu really capable of? How will he be defeated? These answers and more on the next episode of Dragonball Omega!
We begin the story deep in HFIL. We turn to Dark Man’s Pub to where all of the universe’s greatest threats are intently watching a TV screen, waiting to here from Babidi.
They watched intently as Babidi was ripped to shreds after being turned to stone.
“I told you he’d never do it!” Gero said “We’ll never se him again!”
Just as he said this Babidi burst through the door. Everyone turned to stare at him.
“Don’t say anything,” he insisted “I’m not done yet!”
“Give it up Babidi,” said Gero “you’ve already lost! Now get out!”
“Not so!” Babidi replied “Look.”
They stared at the TV screen and watched it all unfold.
Back on Earth, the Z Warriors were considering what to do next.
“I know,” said Goku “we can wish Buu… Oh, the Dragonballs are gone.” He looked glumly up at the sky.
Just then, Goshen caught something out of the corner of his eye. He saw something gleaming in the bushes and walked over to them. He was amazed! Were these the Dragonballs he had heard so many legends about? He scooped them up and carried them over to Goku. “Grandpa Goku,” he asked “are these the Dragonball?”
Goku swooped them up and studied them. “They sure look like the real things.” He concluded. “Maybe they’re a gift from the Dragon.”
“I don’t see how giving them the Dragonballs has helped your situation.” said Frieza to Babidi.
Babidi stared at him “Sometimes you can be so stupid! Watch and learn.”
Goku place the Dragonballs in a heap on the ground and stood back. “Rise Eternal Dragon, rise!” he chanted.
The sky turned black. It began to storm. Thunder boomed in the distance as lightning lit the sky. But the balls did something they never did before, it was actually raining.
All of a sudden there was a loud noise as the balls shattered and shards flew everywhere. A thick black smoke started to rise from the spot where the balls were. It was clear there was some evil at work here.
The smoke began to take shape. It slowly formed into a figure with dull pink coloring. It vaguely resembled Buu.
The “thing” took everyone by surprise. Goku stumbled back. The figure looked at him. A puddle of drool was forming by his feet as he had no bottom jaw. He said as best he could (without half a jaw) “Are you Goku?” Of course it came out more like “Aw Yooh Gahku?”
In any case, Goku understood and replied “What if I am?”
The thing just looked at him and said “Then you die.” In the period of about half a second, the thing raised his arm, pointed at Goku, and shot a small beam from his finger that went right through Goku’s skull, killing him instantly.
Goku lay there in a puddle of blood as the rest of the team stared in awe.
“Well boys, looks like I win.” Babidi concluded after watching the event unfold.
“Impossible!” said Gero “How? What about the rest of them”
“I wouldn’t worry about them.” Babidi replied “If Rebuu could kill Goku in the matter of half a second, they don’t stand a chance.”
“Rebuu? Is that what you call it?” asked Cell.
“Yes.” replied Babidi “I took Buu’s basic DNA, enhanced it, and made it flawless. In fact, he’s not even at one tenth of his power right now.” He looked over at Dr. Gero, “Now, I believe there’s the matter of my prize.”
It turns out Babidi won the bet against Gero. Now he has control of all the androids. What will he do with them? What is Rebuu really capable of? How will he be defeated? These answers and more on the next episode of Dragonball Omega!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Revenge of Babidi Saga in review
Well, that's it! The end of the first saga! I know, it was pretty short (5 episodes! That's up there with the Garlic Jr. Saga and the Super 17 Saga.), but it was a good start and necessary for the plotline. I'll have a preview up of the next saga soon so keep your eyes pealed to the upper right corner of the site! And keep a watch for episode 6 coming fairly soon, I should think. But that's not all! Also coming soon is Dragonball Omega's first movie! Keep an eye out for that as well! It only gets better from here folks!
I'd also like to thank my friend The One Known As To Be Reckoned With, for coming up with an end for the saga.
I'd also like to thank my friend The One Known As To Be Reckoned With, for coming up with an end for the saga.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Episode 5: The demon King’s Revenge
Vegeta opened his eyes to see someone standing in front of him. The someone looked inhuman. Vegeta had been out for a while, however, and his vision was blurry. As his vision slowly came into focus, he realized who it was.
“No!” he murmured, “It can’t be!” It was Dabura.
Everyone stopped what they were doing, including Babidi and Buu, and stared up at him. Why was he here? What did he want? All of a sudden the answers became clear.
Dabura turned his attention to Babidi, “Babidi! I’m back” he paused “…for my revenge!”
“What a shame.” replied Babidi, “I was hoping you’d side with me. No matter. I’ll just destroy you.”
“No!” Dabura shouted, “I’ll destroy you!”
He sprang at Babidi, who had Buu come to his aid. Buu was split in half with Dabura’s sword. He pulled himself together and began his assault. Buu shot three energy blasts at Dabura, two of which he dodged. The third struck his arm and his sword clattered to the ground. Seeing a drop in his guard, Buu punched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.
Dabura fell to his knees in pain. Babidi walked over and stared down at him, “Not so easy is it?” he said. He was grinning an evil grin. Dabura hated it. Dabura hated him.
Without warning Dabura did an uppercut right into Babidi’s face. Babidi stumbled back, “Make him pay for that Majin Buu!” he shouted.
Buu came sprinting at Dabura, but Dabura sprung up and stabbed Buu in the face. This was very painful and blinded Buu. He flailed wildly and accidentally shot off a candy beam. Just at the last second, Dabura deflected it with his sword and the beam went flying into space.
Buu’s face reformed and he was mad. In his anger, he fought without thinking and was beaten severely by Dabura. Buu lay in a heap on the ground.
Dabura walked slowly over to Babidi who was cowering in fear.
“Now, don’t do anything hasty my old friend!” Babidi reasoned.
“I was never you’re friend! It’s time I got back at you for all the things you did to me! I am your slave no longer!” Dabura boomed.
Dabura took a deep breath and was about to spit on Babidi, when a beaten Buu ran in front of him. He was instantly turned into stone.
Babidi hid behind the stone Buu in fear. He tried to run, but Dabura’s sword came down on him and split him, and Buu, in half. He then did a Hell Blast and turned them both into dust.
He walked over the remaining Z Team, “I’m terribly sorry about your friend.” He said.
“No, no, it’s all right. You did what you had to do.” replied a stunned Goku.
“Why did you do it?” A voice seemed to come from nowhere. Then Gohan slowly descended from the sky.
“Ah, my old friend Gohan!” Dabura replied, “I wanted to get back at Babidi for controlling my mind for all those years!”
Goten walked over with the chocolate Trunks in his hand. He held Trunks up to Dabura. “Is there anything you can do?” he asked.”
Dabura shuffled through his pocked and handed Goten a small bottle. “Give this to him, it will return him to normal.” He said.
“How do you know.”
“When you’ve been around Babidi as long as I have, you learn a few things.” He replied to Goten’s question.
Goten poured on the solution and, sure enough, it worked. Trunks was returned to normal. Trunks looked up at Dabura and said, “Did I miss something?” Everyone laughed.
“I must go now.” Dabura said, “Thank you, my friends.”
“No, thank you!” Replied Goku as Dabura disappeared.
The battle has ended for Babidi on Earth, but from deep in the bowels of HFIL, he will have his ultimate revenge! Find out what happens on the next saga of Dragonball Omega!
Vegeta opened his eyes to see someone standing in front of him. The someone looked inhuman. Vegeta had been out for a while, however, and his vision was blurry. As his vision slowly came into focus, he realized who it was.
“No!” he murmured, “It can’t be!” It was Dabura.
Everyone stopped what they were doing, including Babidi and Buu, and stared up at him. Why was he here? What did he want? All of a sudden the answers became clear.
Dabura turned his attention to Babidi, “Babidi! I’m back” he paused “…for my revenge!”
“What a shame.” replied Babidi, “I was hoping you’d side with me. No matter. I’ll just destroy you.”
“No!” Dabura shouted, “I’ll destroy you!”
He sprang at Babidi, who had Buu come to his aid. Buu was split in half with Dabura’s sword. He pulled himself together and began his assault. Buu shot three energy blasts at Dabura, two of which he dodged. The third struck his arm and his sword clattered to the ground. Seeing a drop in his guard, Buu punched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.
Dabura fell to his knees in pain. Babidi walked over and stared down at him, “Not so easy is it?” he said. He was grinning an evil grin. Dabura hated it. Dabura hated him.
Without warning Dabura did an uppercut right into Babidi’s face. Babidi stumbled back, “Make him pay for that Majin Buu!” he shouted.
Buu came sprinting at Dabura, but Dabura sprung up and stabbed Buu in the face. This was very painful and blinded Buu. He flailed wildly and accidentally shot off a candy beam. Just at the last second, Dabura deflected it with his sword and the beam went flying into space.
Buu’s face reformed and he was mad. In his anger, he fought without thinking and was beaten severely by Dabura. Buu lay in a heap on the ground.
Dabura walked slowly over to Babidi who was cowering in fear.
“Now, don’t do anything hasty my old friend!” Babidi reasoned.
“I was never you’re friend! It’s time I got back at you for all the things you did to me! I am your slave no longer!” Dabura boomed.
Dabura took a deep breath and was about to spit on Babidi, when a beaten Buu ran in front of him. He was instantly turned into stone.
Babidi hid behind the stone Buu in fear. He tried to run, but Dabura’s sword came down on him and split him, and Buu, in half. He then did a Hell Blast and turned them both into dust.
He walked over the remaining Z Team, “I’m terribly sorry about your friend.” He said.
“No, no, it’s all right. You did what you had to do.” replied a stunned Goku.
“Why did you do it?” A voice seemed to come from nowhere. Then Gohan slowly descended from the sky.
“Ah, my old friend Gohan!” Dabura replied, “I wanted to get back at Babidi for controlling my mind for all those years!”
Goten walked over with the chocolate Trunks in his hand. He held Trunks up to Dabura. “Is there anything you can do?” he asked.”
Dabura shuffled through his pocked and handed Goten a small bottle. “Give this to him, it will return him to normal.” He said.
“How do you know.”
“When you’ve been around Babidi as long as I have, you learn a few things.” He replied to Goten’s question.
Goten poured on the solution and, sure enough, it worked. Trunks was returned to normal. Trunks looked up at Dabura and said, “Did I miss something?” Everyone laughed.
“I must go now.” Dabura said, “Thank you, my friends.”
“No, thank you!” Replied Goku as Dabura disappeared.
The battle has ended for Babidi on Earth, but from deep in the bowels of HFIL, he will have his ultimate revenge! Find out what happens on the next saga of Dragonball Omega!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Episode 4: Good ‘ol mind control
Babidi was about to unleash his true power, but a mysterious flash caused everyone to stop.
There they were: Goku and Kabito Kai, standing there staring at Babidi trying to kill Buu. A look of shock flashed across Goku’s face. “I guess this means no food.” said Goku.
As the Z Team stood there staring at the events unfold, their jaws dropped as they saw Goku arrive from nowhere.
“Uhh… I’m going to go now.” said Kabito Kai. And with that, he was gone.
“Well Babidi, I don’t know how you got here or what you think you’re doing, but I’m going to stop you!” said Goku.
“Humm… minor setback.” thought Babidi. “I’ll just have to change my battle plan.”
The Goku went Super Saiyan four. “New plan.” Babidi thought.
He turned to Buu and shot his hands out towards his head. Small blue rings surrounded him as Babidi chanted a spell. Buu squirmed, but the rings tightened. Then, after a few seconds, the rings snapped and Buu fell to the floor on his hands and knees. He slowly rose his head up and there, on his forehead, was an “M”. He smiled an evil smile.
Babidi turned to him, “Now Majin Buu, destroy them!”
Buu first ran toward Goku, showering him with energy blasts. Then, Vegeta came up from behind and shot a hole through Buu’s stomach with a blast. Buu turned to him angrily and Vegeta responded with a lightning-fast series of punches; all of which Buu blocked. After his skin re-formed (from the punches), he stretched his arm around Vegeta’s body and tried to strangle him. Goku came up from behind, but Buu wrapped him is his other arm.
At this point, some of the others snapped out of the shock and ran in to help. Goten charged at Buu, but Buu stretched out his arm and smacked him with Vegeta. Goku, struggling to get free, powered up more and broke free, sending bits of Buu’s arm flying everywhere. They re-formed into a fist and smacked Goku in the face before re-attaching to his body. He then tightened his grip on Vegeta and tossed him into a tree (which snaped in half).
Everyone began to get angry and they powered up all the way. Goten, Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta rushed at Buu, who split in half making two of himself. One took on Goten and Trunks, the other took on Goku and Vegeta.
Goten tried to hit Buu with a flurry of punches, but Buu countered. Trunks took out his sword and sliced him in half. Then, he became another two; one fought Trunks, the other Goten. Trunks tried his Burning Attack, but Buu re-formed. Meanwhile, Goten and Buu were on a standoff, each of their hands locked together. Since no one was winning, Buu smacked Goten over the head with his head. Goten fell to the floor unconscious. Trunks came at Buu and tried to attack, but the other Buu came from behind and grabbed him. He squirmed but couldn’t get free. Buu looked at him with madness in his eyes…and shot a beam at him turning him into chocolate. Trunks fell to the floor and Buu tried to grab him, but he missed and Trunks is grabbed by Goten.
Goten put Trunks in his pocket and turned to Buu with rage in his eyes. He shot a flurry of blasts at Buu which confused him, and when the smoke cleared, he punched Buu so hard that he nearly broke through him. Buu went flying into a tree and is smashed into a pile of goo. The other Buu re-absorbed the goo and becomes one again.
Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta tried to fend off the other Buus. One Buu whipped his tentacle (the one on his head… or whatever it is) at Goku and wrapped it around his neck. Goku gasped for air and then was knocked out. He fell to the ground as Vegeta rushed at Buu. He loaded up a Big Bang attack and was about to fire when the other Buu chopped him on the back of the neck. Vegeta’s eyes got big and he split blood before he fell to the ground. The two Buus re-combined, and then re-combined again, forming one Buu. He turned his attention to Goten.
“A little help here!?” pleaded Goten. The children were hiding behind a tree, Goshen was injured, and the rest were women who couldn’t fight…except for Zireth!
Zireth put down Goshen and powered up to Mystic Saiyan. The two of them attacked Buu at full force, but Buu dodged everything.
Goku slowly staggered up. He turned to Babidi, “Babidi! You’re weak; hiding behind the curtain! If you’re really so strong, fight us yourself without someone else doing your work for you!”
Babidi looked up with a smile, “I’m so strong, there’s no need!”
While all the action unfolded on Earth, there was someone watching up in Other World.
“You must let me help!” pleaded the man to King Yamma.
“Well, you have made extraordinary progress…”Yamma replied.
“Please, Sir!”
“Very well, you may go. But no tricks or I’ll have you sent straight to HFIL!”
“Yes Sir!” He replied. Then, he was gone.
The battle is heating up on Earth, but who is this other worldly guest about to join in? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Babidi was about to unleash his true power, but a mysterious flash caused everyone to stop.
There they were: Goku and Kabito Kai, standing there staring at Babidi trying to kill Buu. A look of shock flashed across Goku’s face. “I guess this means no food.” said Goku.
As the Z Team stood there staring at the events unfold, their jaws dropped as they saw Goku arrive from nowhere.
“Uhh… I’m going to go now.” said Kabito Kai. And with that, he was gone.
“Well Babidi, I don’t know how you got here or what you think you’re doing, but I’m going to stop you!” said Goku.
“Humm… minor setback.” thought Babidi. “I’ll just have to change my battle plan.”
The Goku went Super Saiyan four. “New plan.” Babidi thought.
He turned to Buu and shot his hands out towards his head. Small blue rings surrounded him as Babidi chanted a spell. Buu squirmed, but the rings tightened. Then, after a few seconds, the rings snapped and Buu fell to the floor on his hands and knees. He slowly rose his head up and there, on his forehead, was an “M”. He smiled an evil smile.
Babidi turned to him, “Now Majin Buu, destroy them!”
Buu first ran toward Goku, showering him with energy blasts. Then, Vegeta came up from behind and shot a hole through Buu’s stomach with a blast. Buu turned to him angrily and Vegeta responded with a lightning-fast series of punches; all of which Buu blocked. After his skin re-formed (from the punches), he stretched his arm around Vegeta’s body and tried to strangle him. Goku came up from behind, but Buu wrapped him is his other arm.
At this point, some of the others snapped out of the shock and ran in to help. Goten charged at Buu, but Buu stretched out his arm and smacked him with Vegeta. Goku, struggling to get free, powered up more and broke free, sending bits of Buu’s arm flying everywhere. They re-formed into a fist and smacked Goku in the face before re-attaching to his body. He then tightened his grip on Vegeta and tossed him into a tree (which snaped in half).
Everyone began to get angry and they powered up all the way. Goten, Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta rushed at Buu, who split in half making two of himself. One took on Goten and Trunks, the other took on Goku and Vegeta.
Goten tried to hit Buu with a flurry of punches, but Buu countered. Trunks took out his sword and sliced him in half. Then, he became another two; one fought Trunks, the other Goten. Trunks tried his Burning Attack, but Buu re-formed. Meanwhile, Goten and Buu were on a standoff, each of their hands locked together. Since no one was winning, Buu smacked Goten over the head with his head. Goten fell to the floor unconscious. Trunks came at Buu and tried to attack, but the other Buu came from behind and grabbed him. He squirmed but couldn’t get free. Buu looked at him with madness in his eyes…and shot a beam at him turning him into chocolate. Trunks fell to the floor and Buu tried to grab him, but he missed and Trunks is grabbed by Goten.
Goten put Trunks in his pocket and turned to Buu with rage in his eyes. He shot a flurry of blasts at Buu which confused him, and when the smoke cleared, he punched Buu so hard that he nearly broke through him. Buu went flying into a tree and is smashed into a pile of goo. The other Buu re-absorbed the goo and becomes one again.
Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta tried to fend off the other Buus. One Buu whipped his tentacle (the one on his head… or whatever it is) at Goku and wrapped it around his neck. Goku gasped for air and then was knocked out. He fell to the ground as Vegeta rushed at Buu. He loaded up a Big Bang attack and was about to fire when the other Buu chopped him on the back of the neck. Vegeta’s eyes got big and he split blood before he fell to the ground. The two Buus re-combined, and then re-combined again, forming one Buu. He turned his attention to Goten.
“A little help here!?” pleaded Goten. The children were hiding behind a tree, Goshen was injured, and the rest were women who couldn’t fight…except for Zireth!
Zireth put down Goshen and powered up to Mystic Saiyan. The two of them attacked Buu at full force, but Buu dodged everything.
Goku slowly staggered up. He turned to Babidi, “Babidi! You’re weak; hiding behind the curtain! If you’re really so strong, fight us yourself without someone else doing your work for you!”
Babidi looked up with a smile, “I’m so strong, there’s no need!”
While all the action unfolded on Earth, there was someone watching up in Other World.
“You must let me help!” pleaded the man to King Yamma.
“Well, you have made extraordinary progress…”Yamma replied.
“Please, Sir!”
“Very well, you may go. But no tricks or I’ll have you sent straight to HFIL!”
“Yes Sir!” He replied. Then, he was gone.
The battle is heating up on Earth, but who is this other worldly guest about to join in? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Episode 3: The Wizard’s Plan
While the remaining Z Team is having a reunion, Goku is off on the Planet of the Kais watching the whole thing unfold.
Goku stared into the tiny crystal ball, “Oh, wow! They’re having a party! I bet there’s food! I wish I could be there! Too bad I have to train.”
Elder Kai looked up at him, “Go on Goku, have your fun. You’ve been training for long enough!”
“Are you sure? It’s only been 1,000 years! I haven’t even reached Super Saiyan 6 yet!” Goku pleaded.
This time Kabito Kai chimed in, “Come now, Goku! You’ve been training for over 1,000 years! I think that’s long enough! Come on Goku, I’ll take you there.”
While Goku prepares to go to Earth, another unexpected guest has just arrived.
“As yes, this is perfect!” Babidi said as he surveyed the field just outside of the park. “All I must do is destroy at least one of them! I know I stand no chance, but if I can just kill the weakest one… they’ll have to wish him bake! They’ll find my fake Dragonballs and be in for quite a surprise!
He peered over a bush to survey the picnic. Everyone was there. This was not good for him. He did not, however, see Buu. He walked out into the picnic anyway and stopped staring at everyone. “Guess who’s back?” he said as he searched for Majin Buu.
Instantly the party stopped and everyone assumed their fighting positions.
“Impossible!” said Vegeta. “You’ve been dead for over 1,000 years!”
“Not anymore! I’m back and I want revenge!” replied Babidi.
Naturally the children had no idea who Babidi was, and started to laugh at the short, green man.
“Knock it off!” yelled Babidi. He lifted the Goshen up with his magic and slammed him against a tree.
“Whoa! Picking on children? You’ve gotten even more twisted over the years.” said Goten angrily as he picked up his son.
“I’m sorry, was he yours? I’ll have to remember to hit him harder next time!” Babidi said to Goten.
“What did you want anyway!? Did you just come here to terrorize children!?” yelled Vegeta.
“No. Actually, I came for Majin Buu. I have some… unfinished business with him.” replied Babidi.
Upon hearing this Majuub stepped forward. “Majin Buu is gone.” he said.” If you have any issues with Buu, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Ah, I see! You were Evil Buu’s reincarnation. Gone soft, have you?” Babidi looked angrily at Majuub, “It’s not you I want. Get me fat, pink, jolly Majin Buu or I’ll have to decimate you all!”
Majuub looked at him blankly and replied, “We fused.”
“Very well, I’ll just have to kill you then!” replied Babidi.
Then, deep inside Majuub’s head, there was a voice. It was Buu. “No! Don’t Fight1” he said. “We will separate, then Buu will fight Babidi.”
“Ok.” replied Majuub, referring to Buu.
“Very well.” Babidi said, then came charging at Majuub. He surrounded himself with dark energy, making a shield as he made a giant fist out of darkness. Just as it struck, Majuub split in half.
Buu lay there on the floor and Uub lay on the other side. Without Buu’s un-aging youthfulness, however, he began to shrivel and become old. ‘Wa… what’s happening to me…” he said before collapsing.
“Ahh! There you are Majin Buu!” Babidi said happily. “Now I’ll finally get my revenge!”
Everyone stared in horror as Babidi began his assault on Buu while Uub lay on the ground, dead for all they knew, and Goten held a bloody-headed crying Goshen.
All was in chaos. Then, there was a flash. The tide was about to turn.
Babidi has begun his assault on the Z Team. But what else is he planning? And what was that mysterious flash? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
While the remaining Z Team is having a reunion, Goku is off on the Planet of the Kais watching the whole thing unfold.
Goku stared into the tiny crystal ball, “Oh, wow! They’re having a party! I bet there’s food! I wish I could be there! Too bad I have to train.”
Elder Kai looked up at him, “Go on Goku, have your fun. You’ve been training for long enough!”
“Are you sure? It’s only been 1,000 years! I haven’t even reached Super Saiyan 6 yet!” Goku pleaded.
This time Kabito Kai chimed in, “Come now, Goku! You’ve been training for over 1,000 years! I think that’s long enough! Come on Goku, I’ll take you there.”
While Goku prepares to go to Earth, another unexpected guest has just arrived.
“As yes, this is perfect!” Babidi said as he surveyed the field just outside of the park. “All I must do is destroy at least one of them! I know I stand no chance, but if I can just kill the weakest one… they’ll have to wish him bake! They’ll find my fake Dragonballs and be in for quite a surprise!
He peered over a bush to survey the picnic. Everyone was there. This was not good for him. He did not, however, see Buu. He walked out into the picnic anyway and stopped staring at everyone. “Guess who’s back?” he said as he searched for Majin Buu.
Instantly the party stopped and everyone assumed their fighting positions.
“Impossible!” said Vegeta. “You’ve been dead for over 1,000 years!”
“Not anymore! I’m back and I want revenge!” replied Babidi.
Naturally the children had no idea who Babidi was, and started to laugh at the short, green man.
“Knock it off!” yelled Babidi. He lifted the Goshen up with his magic and slammed him against a tree.
“Whoa! Picking on children? You’ve gotten even more twisted over the years.” said Goten angrily as he picked up his son.
“I’m sorry, was he yours? I’ll have to remember to hit him harder next time!” Babidi said to Goten.
“What did you want anyway!? Did you just come here to terrorize children!?” yelled Vegeta.
“No. Actually, I came for Majin Buu. I have some… unfinished business with him.” replied Babidi.
Upon hearing this Majuub stepped forward. “Majin Buu is gone.” he said.” If you have any issues with Buu, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Ah, I see! You were Evil Buu’s reincarnation. Gone soft, have you?” Babidi looked angrily at Majuub, “It’s not you I want. Get me fat, pink, jolly Majin Buu or I’ll have to decimate you all!”
Majuub looked at him blankly and replied, “We fused.”
“Very well, I’ll just have to kill you then!” replied Babidi.
Then, deep inside Majuub’s head, there was a voice. It was Buu. “No! Don’t Fight1” he said. “We will separate, then Buu will fight Babidi.”
“Ok.” replied Majuub, referring to Buu.
“Very well.” Babidi said, then came charging at Majuub. He surrounded himself with dark energy, making a shield as he made a giant fist out of darkness. Just as it struck, Majuub split in half.
Buu lay there on the floor and Uub lay on the other side. Without Buu’s un-aging youthfulness, however, he began to shrivel and become old. ‘Wa… what’s happening to me…” he said before collapsing.
“Ahh! There you are Majin Buu!” Babidi said happily. “Now I’ll finally get my revenge!”
Everyone stared in horror as Babidi began his assault on Buu while Uub lay on the ground, dead for all they knew, and Goten held a bloody-headed crying Goshen.
All was in chaos. Then, there was a flash. The tide was about to turn.
Babidi has begun his assault on the Z Team. But what else is he planning? And what was that mysterious flash? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
(NOTE: I’ve switched formats: from script style to novel style.)
Episode 2: The Thirst for revenge
Deep in the caverns of HFIL, and old nemesis, Babidi, is with his father Bibidi preparing their revenge.
Babidi stood there in his new “home” with his father. He just completed his training.
“I suppose I should thank you father. If it were not for your excellent training, I wouldn’t be a master of the dark arts and the strongest sorcerer in the universe!”
Bibidi stared out the window. “Now, now, sun. Don’t give me all the credit. If it weren’t for my training with the wickedest magicians in the universe, I wouldn’t be able to pas on what I know.” He looked over at Babidi. “Now my son, are you ready?”
“Yes father, I have finished my backup plan… that is, if I fail. But first, there’s one last thing I must do.” Babidi walked out through the oddly shaped purple door. Bibidi stared at him leave and thought: That’s my boy!
Babidi pushed open the scummy door of the Dark Man’s Pub, and walked in. Inside were all of the universe’s worst villains: Cell, Frieza, the androids… everyone except Majin Buu. Babidi stood in the front of the small pub and made an announcement: “Listen up everyone! I have a little bet for all of you!” He walked over to a bar stool and sat down.
Android 15 looked over to him, “Shall I get you a booster sit, little boy?” He then proceeded to take a sip of his Martini, which, for some reason, never seemed to run low. Everyone started to laugh hysterically-except for Dr. Gero.
He glared over at Android 15, “Just because you’re bartender that doesn’t make the drinks free-and I’m paying!” He walked over to Babidi, “I’m all ears. Is there something you’d like to say?”
“Umm… yes!” Babidi replied, “Well… I’m going to bet you all I can kill Goku within a week!!”
Everyone stared blankly at Babidi, and then proceeded to laugh again.
“One week? You wouldn’t even last one day!” Frieza said.
“Yeah, if we couldn’t do it, what makes you so sure you can!?” Cell piped in.
Babidi glared back at them, “I have my ways!” He turned back to face everybody, “Do I have any takers?”
You could hear a fly buzzing twelve feet away in the silence.
“Okay, I’ll bite.” Dr. Gero finally replied. “If you can do it, I’ll give you possession of all my androids.”
“Are you nuts!?” buzzed Android 15.
“Shut up!” replied Gero.
“What if I loose?” asked Babidi.
“You get banned from the bar.” Said Gero
Babidi instantly shouted, “I’ll do it!”
“Excellent! I’ll give you five days.” Gero said as he stared at Babidi.
Babidi hopped off the stool and made his way to the door, “Very well. I must go now.”
Just as Babidi was about to step out Cell asked, “Tell us, how do you plan to do it?”
Babidi just looked back and smirked, “I told you, I have my ways.”
Babidi walked out of the bar and into the hall, where he was greeted by the HFIL staff. Babidi walked up to the horned demon man. He looked over and asked, “Is there something you want?”
Babidi looked up at him and simply replied: “Your life!”
Babidi has taken the life of an HFIL worker in hopes to be brought back to life. But what is he planning? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Episode 2: The Thirst for revenge
Deep in the caverns of HFIL, and old nemesis, Babidi, is with his father Bibidi preparing their revenge.
Babidi stood there in his new “home” with his father. He just completed his training.
“I suppose I should thank you father. If it were not for your excellent training, I wouldn’t be a master of the dark arts and the strongest sorcerer in the universe!”
Bibidi stared out the window. “Now, now, sun. Don’t give me all the credit. If it weren’t for my training with the wickedest magicians in the universe, I wouldn’t be able to pas on what I know.” He looked over at Babidi. “Now my son, are you ready?”
“Yes father, I have finished my backup plan… that is, if I fail. But first, there’s one last thing I must do.” Babidi walked out through the oddly shaped purple door. Bibidi stared at him leave and thought: That’s my boy!
Babidi pushed open the scummy door of the Dark Man’s Pub, and walked in. Inside were all of the universe’s worst villains: Cell, Frieza, the androids… everyone except Majin Buu. Babidi stood in the front of the small pub and made an announcement: “Listen up everyone! I have a little bet for all of you!” He walked over to a bar stool and sat down.
Android 15 looked over to him, “Shall I get you a booster sit, little boy?” He then proceeded to take a sip of his Martini, which, for some reason, never seemed to run low. Everyone started to laugh hysterically-except for Dr. Gero.
He glared over at Android 15, “Just because you’re bartender that doesn’t make the drinks free-and I’m paying!” He walked over to Babidi, “I’m all ears. Is there something you’d like to say?”
“Umm… yes!” Babidi replied, “Well… I’m going to bet you all I can kill Goku within a week!!”
Everyone stared blankly at Babidi, and then proceeded to laugh again.
“One week? You wouldn’t even last one day!” Frieza said.
“Yeah, if we couldn’t do it, what makes you so sure you can!?” Cell piped in.
Babidi glared back at them, “I have my ways!” He turned back to face everybody, “Do I have any takers?”
You could hear a fly buzzing twelve feet away in the silence.
“Okay, I’ll bite.” Dr. Gero finally replied. “If you can do it, I’ll give you possession of all my androids.”
“Are you nuts!?” buzzed Android 15.
“Shut up!” replied Gero.
“What if I loose?” asked Babidi.
“You get banned from the bar.” Said Gero
Babidi instantly shouted, “I’ll do it!”
“Excellent! I’ll give you five days.” Gero said as he stared at Babidi.
Babidi hopped off the stool and made his way to the door, “Very well. I must go now.”
Just as Babidi was about to step out Cell asked, “Tell us, how do you plan to do it?”
Babidi just looked back and smirked, “I told you, I have my ways.”
Babidi walked out of the bar and into the hall, where he was greeted by the HFIL staff. Babidi walked up to the horned demon man. He looked over and asked, “Is there something you want?”
Babidi looked up at him and simply replied: “Your life!”
Babidi has taken the life of an HFIL worker in hopes to be brought back to life. But what is he planning? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Revenge of Babidi saga
Episode 1: The Reunion
It’s been 1,000 years since Goku left to train with the Eternal Dragon. This period has been one of the most peaceful in the Earth’s history. Because of this, there has been no need for the Z-Team. Each has gone there separate ways… until now.
(Vegeta’s house)
Vegeta Jr.: Grandpa! There’s someone at the door!
Vegeta: I’m coming! (walks to door) Who... (Vegeta stands there frozen as he stares at the door.) You! Kakarrot’s son!
Goten: Hey Vegeta! Long time no see, huh? (takes a paper out of his pocket) It’s an invitation to a reunion! I’m trying to get the old team back together.
Vegeta: Humph!
Vegeta Jr.: Can we go? Huh, Grandpa?
Vegeta: Fine! Get you’re mother! (Bula comes out from inside the house.)
Later at the Reunion (in a park)…
Goten: So, Vegeta, come check out my family.
Vegeta: You have a family?
Goten: I sure do! This is my wife, Zireth. She’s a Saiyan. And this is my son, Goshen. Say hi Goshen!
Goshen: Yo.
Vegeta (to Zireth): You know, I’m the prince of all Saiyans.
Zireth: Is that so? Well, I’ll have you know I’m the former princess of the Saiyans.
Vegeta: What!? Explain yourself woman!
Zireth: Well, long ago my father, King Genta, was the king of all the Saiyans. Then your father came into power. They even named a planet after him! Everyone left...including me. No one knows what happened to the planet, my father; as far as we know we’re all the Saiyans left.
Vegeta: I see. I vaguely remember my father mentioning something like that. But how did you
get here?
Zireth: I was sent here to destroy the planet after Kakarrot and you failed. But I like this place so much I just couldn’t.
Vegeta: You’re a Saiyan you say? Well, just how strong are you?
Zireth powers up. A vortex of energy surrounds her. Her eyes turn green. She is surrounded by a pink aura. She has become a Mystic Saiyan.
Goten: Whoa! I thought only my brother could do that!
Vegeta: Apparently not. Okay, your story checks out. Vegeta walks away.*Thinking* Look out Kakarrot! Looks like I have a new rival!
Zireth: What’s up with him?
Goten: He’s always like that. Hey, let’s go see Majuub! Goten and Zireth run off to see Majuub.
Goshen spots Goku and Vegeta Jr. and goes to see them.
Goku Jr.: Hey!
Vegeta Jr.: Hi!
Goshen: Sup?
Goku Jr.: What?
Goshen: Never mind. So, you guys are Saiyans too? How strong are you? Me I can do SS3 in my sleep! He does and blows the other two away.
Bula: He’s such a show off!
Vegeta: Chip off the old block. He smirks.
Our heroes are enjoying a well deserved reunion in the park. Everything seems great. But little do they know that deep in the bowels of HFIL a sinister plot is being concocted that will not only end the fun, but force the Z-Team to once again fight for the Earth. What will happen? Who will be Goku’s new rival? Who cares? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
It’s been 1,000 years since Goku left to train with the Eternal Dragon. This period has been one of the most peaceful in the Earth’s history. Because of this, there has been no need for the Z-Team. Each has gone there separate ways… until now.
(Vegeta’s house)
Vegeta Jr.: Grandpa! There’s someone at the door!
Vegeta: I’m coming! (walks to door) Who... (Vegeta stands there frozen as he stares at the door.) You! Kakarrot’s son!
Goten: Hey Vegeta! Long time no see, huh? (takes a paper out of his pocket) It’s an invitation to a reunion! I’m trying to get the old team back together.
Vegeta: Humph!
Vegeta Jr.: Can we go? Huh, Grandpa?
Vegeta: Fine! Get you’re mother! (Bula comes out from inside the house.)
Later at the Reunion (in a park)…
Goten: So, Vegeta, come check out my family.
Vegeta: You have a family?
Goten: I sure do! This is my wife, Zireth. She’s a Saiyan. And this is my son, Goshen. Say hi Goshen!
Goshen: Yo.
Vegeta (to Zireth): You know, I’m the prince of all Saiyans.
Zireth: Is that so? Well, I’ll have you know I’m the former princess of the Saiyans.
Vegeta: What!? Explain yourself woman!
Zireth: Well, long ago my father, King Genta, was the king of all the Saiyans. Then your father came into power. They even named a planet after him! Everyone left...including me. No one knows what happened to the planet, my father; as far as we know we’re all the Saiyans left.
Vegeta: I see. I vaguely remember my father mentioning something like that. But how did you
get here?
Zireth: I was sent here to destroy the planet after Kakarrot and you failed. But I like this place so much I just couldn’t.
Vegeta: You’re a Saiyan you say? Well, just how strong are you?
Zireth powers up. A vortex of energy surrounds her. Her eyes turn green. She is surrounded by a pink aura. She has become a Mystic Saiyan.
Goten: Whoa! I thought only my brother could do that!
Vegeta: Apparently not. Okay, your story checks out. Vegeta walks away.*Thinking* Look out Kakarrot! Looks like I have a new rival!
Zireth: What’s up with him?
Goten: He’s always like that. Hey, let’s go see Majuub! Goten and Zireth run off to see Majuub.
Goshen spots Goku and Vegeta Jr. and goes to see them.
Goku Jr.: Hey!
Vegeta Jr.: Hi!
Goshen: Sup?
Goku Jr.: What?
Goshen: Never mind. So, you guys are Saiyans too? How strong are you? Me I can do SS3 in my sleep! He does and blows the other two away.
Bula: He’s such a show off!
Vegeta: Chip off the old block. He smirks.
Our heroes are enjoying a well deserved reunion in the park. Everything seems great. But little do they know that deep in the bowels of HFIL a sinister plot is being concocted that will not only end the fun, but force the Z-Team to once again fight for the Earth. What will happen? Who will be Goku’s new rival? Who cares? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
Friday, June 17, 2005
We have a new home!
Check it out! After many hours of searching I finally found eBloggy! It's perfect! check it out at: http://dragonballomega.ebloggy.com/
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
It's complete!
I've finished writing up the skeleton for Dragonball Omega! However, I have a heck of a hard time displaying images with the Blogger. Therefore, I'm looking for another host where I can set up camp. When I do, I'll let you know.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Welcome to Dragonball Omega!
Soon, in this very spot, you shall bear witness to brand-new Dragonball series. Keep in mind, it's not official, but, I promise it will be just as good as DBZ. If it comes from my mind, it will be. And, it shall be far better than that fan made Dragonball V. I know, GT was a disgrace! But what happened is in the past now. It's time to look ahead! It's time for Dragonball Omega!
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