Episode 10: Caboge’s Stand
“I know you’re not really trying.” Rebuu rushed at Vegeta while he was stumbling up and punched him in his gut. Vegeta spit blood. To follow up, Rebuu kicked Vegeta while he was in the air and sent him spiraling across the air to land on his face in the dirt.
Realizing he couldn’t win alone, he weakly turned to the remaining fighters. The only ones left that could fight were Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., Caboge, and Zireth.
“Don’t just stand there! Help me!” he said angrily.
Goku and Vegeta Jr. were cowering in fear with Zireth while Caboge was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.
Vegeta looked at him and shouted “Why don’t you help me!?”
Caboge looked over and replied “I don’t fight.”
While the two were talking, Rebuu planned his next attack. He pulled off his right hand and grew another as the first took the shape of a sword. Not just any sword; Trunks’ sword. He lunged at Vegeta. Rebuu’s sword sliced off a portion of Vegeta’s shirt before he dodged. Rebuu swung the sword furiously at Vegeta who was trying his best to block the attacks.
Rebuu put all his strength into one slice. It was about to come down on Vegeta’s head but Vegeta blocked it. He gripped the sword on its side with both palms and pushed as hard as he could.
Seeing his grandpa struggle, Vegeta Jr. slipped out of Zireth’s grip and went running to help his grandfather. He went Super Saiyan and jumped for Rebuu’s head. Rebuu lowered his sword, kicked Vegeta Jr. in the gut, sent him flying, and returned to attacking Vegeta with his sword.
Vegeta could barely stand up. He was struggling just to avoid Rebuu’s blows. “Caboge! Help me!” he yelled. Caboge didn’t budge.
“What’s the matter?” mocked Rebuu “Still thinking about your stupid father? You’re not any stronger then that weakling! He couldn’t even prevent being taken over!”
Caboge’s eyes grew big. “Never talk about my father!!!!” His hair turned deep gold, his muscles bulged out of his shirt, and his eyes became pure white. Green lightning surrounded his yellow aura and the ground around him had been torn apart. Little stones levitated around his feet.
Before Rebuu knew what was happening, Caboge’s fist made contact with Rebuu’s face. Caboge moved with such speed that he could not be sensed. He unleashed a flurry of punches so fast they weren’t even visible. All you could see were the dents in Rebuu’s body. Caboge kicked Rebuu and sent him flying into the air, teleported behind him and smashed him to the ground again. Once Rebuu was down he shot a volley of blasts at Rebuu followed by a massive energy ball. When the smoke cleared, Caboge flew straight at Rebuu while he was laying face down and hit his back so hard he would have snapped his spine (if Rebuu had one). The punch was hard enough to break a hole through him.
Rebuu finally got up, reshaped himself and lunged at Caboge. He punched him, kicked him, shot energy blasts at him from close range, yet he was left unscathed. He didn’t even have a scratch. He truly was the son of the legendary Super Saiyan. It was like fighting Broly himself. Except this time he was on the good side.
Caboge inched closer to Rebuu, who was trying to hold him off. He kept shooting his most powerful blasts, but they splashed off Caboge’s chest and he kept coming. Without warning, he shot forward. He was so fast you’d miss it if you blinked. He grabbed Rebuu by the throat lifted him off the ground, and ripped his head off. Caboge threw Rebuu’s head on the ground and stomped on it. He beat on the body until it stopped moving. He kicked it into the distance, then powered down.
“NEVER speak crap about my father!” he said as he spit on Rebuu’s mangled head. Slowly he walked back to his tree, leaned on it, and crossed his arms.
Has Rebuu finally been defeated by the mighty Caboge? Will we ever find out what happened to Goku? Will I ever stop asking that? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!
1 comment:
Nice of you to drop by! Sorry about not giving you credit for the character you created. Oh, and I'll need some more background information for that movie about him.
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