Thursday, June 07, 2007


Vegeta appeared in front of a rather confused Elder Kai.
“Back so soon, Goku?” he asked. He took a moment to focus on Vegeta’s face then added “You’re not Goku!”
“No, it’s Vegeta, old man!”
“Ah, yes, Vegeta! Haven’t seen you in quite some time! How are things?”
“You old fool, how do you not know by now? The Earth’s in danger…again…and I need your help.”
“Oh. I thought you’d just dropped by to visit. Is it too much to ask for some visitors once in a while?”
Vegeta grabbed Elder Kai by the color “Listen here, old man! I’m in a bit of a hurry here! I got 48 hours before Goku and Piccolo poof back to Other World and I’m going to need you to teach me the Life Transfer technique!”
“Whoa, whoa! Slow down there! Let me have a look see at what’s going on.”
Elder Kai took out his crystal ball and placed it on a tree stump. An image flashed across the screen. Goku and Piccolo were in a heated battle with Rebuu on Dende’s lookout.
“This is horrible!” Elder Kai exclaimed “Buu’s come back to destroy the Earth! From the looks of it, Goku and Piccolo could use some help.”
“You’re senile, old man! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!”
“Ah, so you’ve come to get my help? Well, I’m not sure there’s much I can do at my age.”
“Bah! You are so frustrating!” Vegeta shouted as he slammed his fist into the tree next to him. The tree instantly snapped in half and a groggy Kabito Kai fell out.
“What’s going on?” he demanded. He spotted Vegeta and added “Vegeta! What brings you here?”
“I’m trying to get this buffoon to teach me the Life Transfer technique.”
“The Life Transfer technique? So that’s what you’ve come for.”
Vegeta slapped himself in the face.
“It is an ancient technique passed down from Kai generation to Kai generation. But be warned! It will result in the transfer of your life to another. I can teach it to you, but it might take some time.”
“Great!” Vegeta rolled his eyes “I’ve got 48 hours.”
“48 hours!” Elder exclaimed “Then we must get started!”

Meanwhile, on Earth, Goku and Piccolo were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber when they heard a loud explosion. The two rushed to the exit and into the hll to find Dende running at them.
“It’s Rebuu!” he shouted “He’s-“ Rebuu shot Dende in the back and he slumped to the floor.
“No!” Goku shouted. He quickly scooped Dende up and flew him to safety. Rebuu began to follow, but Piccolo stopped him with a Special Beam Cannon.
“You’re battle is with me, now.” He said.
“So be it,” Replied Rebuu “but you asked for it!”
The two flew at each other in a flurry of punches and blasts. Lightning struck in the background. Piccolo teleported behind Rebuu as Rebuu was about to punch him in the face. Piccolo was about to unleash a Hellzone Grenade, but Rebuu then teleported behind him and grabbed him in a chokehold. Piccolo bent his torso up, as if doing a crunch, and kicked Rebuu in the face sending him spiraling toward the ground.
Goku placed an unconscious Dende safely with Korin. He returned with some Senzu Beans which he and Piccolo proceeded to eat.
“I hope Vegeta hurries up. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.” Commented Goku as Rebuu came back at them for another attack.

Will Vegeta make it in time? Find out what happens on the next episode of Dragonball Unlimited!

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