Friday, October 07, 2005


It's been awhile! Sorry, I've been busy. I'm sure you're all anxious to see what happened to Rebuu and all that, so here you are: Episode 6!

Episode 7: Goshen’s Attack

Last time: Rebuu had just immerged from within Babidi’s fake Dragonballs. Upon immerging, he instantly struck and killed Goku with a blast to the heart.

Rebuu’s last attack was strong enough to kill Goku with one hit. However, this attack drained most of Rebuu’s energy (which was low to begin with because he had just immerged). Seeing this, Goshen, not thinking, powered up to SS3 and was on the attack.
He first unleashed a barrage of energy blasts that left Rebuu severely deformed. Before the smoke could clear, Goshen was in Rebuu’s face. He beat on him until Rebuu resembled a pile of gush. Goshen stood back to admire his work.
“How do you like that, you freak!?” Goshen yelled at Rebuu. At this point Rebuu started to take back his normal shape.
Rebuu was not the brightest of villains, but he was a quick learner. In fact that was one of his special abilities: he could imitate anything exactly just by watching. Little did Goshen know that Rebuu had let Goshen beat him up. Rebuu was observing Goshen carefully while he waited to build up energy.
Rebuu had finally reformed completely and was now semi-powered up. He was not about to let some little punk kid beat him anymore. Rebuu stretched out one of his arms at the oncoming Goshen. Goshen stopped mid flight when Rebuu’s hand was right in front of his face. Rebuu unleashed a pink energy blast at point blank range into Goshen’s face. Goshen was sent flying into a tree with his hair ablaze.
Seeing this, Gohan sprang forward to attack Rebuu. In an instant, Rebuu was behind Goten. He grabbed Goten under the arms to keep him from moving. Then Rebuu lowered his mouth over Goten’s head and sunk his teeth deep into Goten’s scalp, puncturing the skull. He began to suck like a leach. The more he sucked the buffer he would become. He kept sucking until Goten turned pale and limp, and then dropped him on the floor in a heap. Goshen saw this and became mad with rage.
He stormed toward Rebuu (hair charred) and was about to unleash a destructive blast when Rebuu began to change. Rebuu began to bend and stretch like taffy until he was an exact replica of SS3 Goshen. Stunned, Goshen froze. Rebuu, however, wasted no time waiting and unleashed a flurry of beams from his finger tips. Goshen tries to dodge, but there were so many that he was struck and his shirt caught fire.
Goshen dropped to the ground and rolled around to put out the flames. He got back up and tried again. This time Goshen tried a kamehameha, but Rebuu countered with a stronger one. Goshen tried his signature blast (the spirit blade- multiple round, ridged, blades [similar to destructo disk]), but Rebuu countered with a stronger version.
The two decided to go hand-to-hand. Rebuu struck twice as fast and always blocked Goshen. It was like Rebuu knew every move Goshen would make before he made it.
Now that Rebuu had a bottom jaw, he could speak. He spoke in Goshen’s exact voice, “Give it up! I know every trick you have and then some! You can’t defeat me!” As he said that he stretched his arm (he still has Rebuu’s powers in case you’ve forgotten) and grabbed Goshen by the shoulders. Suddenly, his fingers started to puncture through Goshen’s flesh. Goshen began to scream, but became too weak to fight back. He was having his energy drained out of his body.
Rebuu let go and Goshen dropped to the ground. Rebuu looked over at the rest of the fighters, and right before he turned back to normal he said ominously “Who’s next?”

As time goes on, Rebuu appears to become stronger and stronger! Is there anyone who can defeat him? What other tricks does he have up his sleeve? And what ever happened to Goku? Find out next time on Dragonball Omega!